Rather than tell them what we’re going to do for them, with them, or to them. We ask them…”What do you want to do about it?” A veteran speaking, to a veteran, helping a brother or sister through that process. Now with that said, that statistic that we mentioned at the at the top here, has there been improvement, because of what Next Chapter is doing? So, it would be easy for me to claim that Next Chapter is the reason for the outcome. But again, as a wellness collaborative is a part of a community response. And it’s a community response we’ve now expanded into Pueblo County. In 2021 we had that staggering statistics of 52 lives. That represented about 32% of all suicide deaths in El Paso County. So the math is simple. You know, 1 in every 3 individuals to take their lives is a veteran. In the first 6 months that we operated, we reduced the number of actual deaths, actual lives lost, you know, in El Pasco County. And we reduce that portion of the overall…