…in smaller counties to reach more veterans. But we know that there are lots of veterans in these rural counties that don’t want to come in and drive 2, 3, 4, hours for services. We want to make sure that mount carmel reaches them from food services to rent assistance and help with mental health through their Next Chapter program where a qualified veteran is on the other phone line. I would love to talk to a counselor but a counselor or psychiatrist me may not be a veteran that may or may not understand me. Something Leeward wants to see other veterans like him do, just do it. Give them a call. It don’t hurt. It can help in Pueblo and Devan Karp news. 5 veterans who have received help from Mount Carmel say their lives changed for the better whether it’s receiving mental help or learning the necessary knowledge to start a business. Petras are grateful to have these resources in our community and we sat down with 3 local veterans who leaned on Mount Carmel at one point in their lives. they