Health and Wellness
We offer service members, veterans of all eras, spouses and their family members access to confidential and low cost counseling and alternative therapy.
What we do!
Our support services are provided at little to no cost to our clients. For more information on any of our Behavioral, Physical, and Spiritual Health programs, please call us at 1-888-719-VETS

Health and Wellness Services
Trauma-Informed Yoga
As another method of achieving health, wellness and balance, Mt. Carmel offers Mindful Yoga. Through partnership with Lynne Prouhet, we offer weekly yoga classes. Learn to experience stress with less psychological and physiological cost, as well as gain piece of mind by utilizing breathing and stretching techniques.
These classes are available at no cost to you!
Tai Chi Boxing and Energetics
Tai Chi can teach an alternative way to deal with stressors related to PTSD, fatigue, chronic pain, depression, loss of concentration, anxiety, heart disease and balance issues. Tai Chi Boxing classes will focus on learning the Yang Family 108 long form along with the martial application and energetics for each movement.
These classes are available at no cost to you!
Art Therapy
Art Therapy can provide reduction in symptoms by allowing the brain to process life stressors and traumas through artistic means. Through partnership with Bemis Institute of Art, Kim Griffis facilitates these classes and includes modes ranging from watercolors, acrylics, clay, and many other options.
These classes are available at no cost to you!
Half-day, full-day and weekend retreats are offered to our military community. These retreats are a unique blend of activities, strengthening ties among members in the military community, and building upon skills that allow individuals and their family members to make the most out of their relationships. Each retreat is tailored to address specific topics associated with individuals, couples and families. These events are offered intermittently throughout the months of March through September.