December 2024, Featured Public Relations, Prior Media Coverage, Public Relations
a nationwide tradition has taken place right here in colorado springs — wreaths across america decorated the graves of those who have paid the ultimate price for our country yesterday …. “The mantra of Wreath Across America is: remember the fallen,...
December 2024, Featured Public Relations, Prior Media Coverage, Public Relations
“You’re not there. So of course, it’s missing your families, not being with your friends. The unknown of what could happen, may happen, what hopefully doesn’t happen. Some of them have fear, some of them have anger,” said Glen Cooper, a...
December 2024, Featured Public Relations, Prior Media Coverage, Public Relations
Key Highlights: * UCHealth provides $1.2 billion annually in community benefits to Colorado, exceeding the value of a tax exemption that would have equaled $357 million. * UCHealth partners with 100+ entities to improve lives in communities across the state. *...